COST Meeting in Ireland: 23-25th July 2015
Prof. Thomas Carell of LMUM delivering his talk on 'DNA Bases (hmC fC, caC) Beyond Watson and Crick'.
The Kellett group hosted an inter-working group meeting of the COST Action CM1201: Biomimetic Radical Chemistry with the 1st Network meeting of ClickGene at Carton House Resort, Kildare, Ireland between 23rd - 25th July (2015). The meeting provided an excellent opportunity for ClickGene PI's and ESRs to interact and present their work to a larger EU scientific community. The COST meeting featured a range of ClickGene speakers (Prof. Thomas Carell of LUM, Munich is pictured) along with internationally renowned experts in the field of radical chemistry. The joint meeting proved to be very successful with a range of open exchanges between advanced and young researchers alike. A further meeting between COST CM1201 and ClickGene is planned for April 2016 and will be held in Grenoble, France.